

Delivering Paystubs Online After epost Ends - An epost Alternative

With the impending shut down of Canada Post’s electronic mail service "epost" at the end of 2022, many Canadian businesses that rely on epost for delivering digital paystubs, tax forms, and other documents to their employees online, will be left in need of an epost alternative in order to continue delivering paystubs online. If you are reading this, perhaps you are a part of one of these businesses, tasked with the assignment of finding a suitable epost replacement before the service is altogether discontinued in December 2022.

If this sounds like you, we’re glad you found us. We know how important it is for you to be able to ensure the continuity of online paystub/document delivery for your business, and how the looming 2022 epost end date means you’ll need to have something up and running as quickly as possible.

We are the team at InStaff. In 2014, we created a simple, web-based employee portal designed primarily for facilitating the online delivery and access of employee paystubs and tax forms. InStaff works with PDF paystubs from any payroll system, and can often be set up in as little as a few days, and sometimes even in just a few hours. Over the years as InStaff has grown, we have also added the ability to deliver other document types, as well as some (optional) HR-type functionality.

Citing their reason for shutting down epost (which has been offered since the year 2000), Canada Post has stated "... the way businesses connect and communicate with their customers has evolved significantly, and other companies are now better suited to meet Canadians’ changing needs."

...We like to think that maybe they’re talking about us.

InStaff will allow you to continue to delivering your PDF paystubs and tax forms to employees online with minimal setup, cost, and hassle. When we set out to create InStaff in 2014, it was because we believed that delivering paystubs online should be simple. We believed that you shouldn’t have to switch payroll systems or purchase an expensive HRIS platform just to digitalize the delivery of your paystubs, so we created a portal that would work with the PDF paystubs generated by your existing payroll system. We wanted to create a solution that would make delivering paystubs online as straightforward as humanly possible – and we believe we’ve succeeded in this feat. Considering the 2022 epost stoppage, we truly believe that InStaff is a natural successor and substitute to epost.

How Does InStaff Work?

Delivering online paystubs with InStaff is easy. First, we create your company a portal, accessible at (yourcompanynamehere) We also help you setup and invite your employees.

Then, to deliver your paystubs through your InStaff portal, all you have to do is:

  1. Save your paystub file as PDF. (It doesn’t matter if there are multiple paystubs in a single PDF file, or if each paystub is an individual PDF. InStaff works with both.)

  2. Login to your InStaff portal and navigate to the Upload Pay Documents screen

  3. Select and upload your desired PDF paystub file

  4. That’s it! InStaff will be able to read through your paystub file to match each stub to the correct employee account. You can also set email notifications to go out to employees automatically anytime new paystubs are published.

From the employee side, all they need to do to view their paystub(s) is:

  1. Login to the company InStaff portal

  2. Open their paystubs folder

  3. That’s it! All their paystubs will be available (in chronological order) in their paystub folder to view. From there, they can also save or print their stub(s).

Watch a 5 Minute Demo Video of how InStaff’s Paystubs Module works below:


Like our solution, we aim to make our pricing as simple as possible. InStaff billing is generally month-to-month subscription based, with just a few costs to consider:

  • One-time setup fee (varies by company size)

  • $0.35 per paystub or tax form uploaded

  • Costs of any optional “add-on” modules, if desired

If you’re not sure about us, but you’re willing to try, we offer a 1 month risk-free trial for this very purpose – for you to make sure that InStaff fits with your business. If you decide not to move forward with us past your trial, we don’t charge a dime. And with monthly subscription billing, you are free to cancel anytime. (Though, we hope we can help your company deliver its paystubs online for a long time.)

View our full pricing page here.


As a web-based solution, setup is minimal. We are generally able to move at your pace to get InStaff implemented, and the only work that needs to be done is making sure your InStaff portal works with your paystub format, and setting up and inviting your employees, which we make sure to assist you with. Most companies are able to get up and running with InStaff as soon as they need, and we are always around to support you.


We know security is a concern with items like paystubs and tax forms which contain personal information. That’s why we employ industry-standard application protections and undergo annual third-party security reviews to make sure we do everything possible to keep your data secure. Have questions? Contact us to learn more about our security policies.

Get In Touch

If you have questions or are looking to get started, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, or reach out to us directly using the contact form below, or emailing us at

We ourselves are a Canadian company, and we would be thrilled to be your partner in making sure that your business can continue to deliver electronic paystubs, tax forms, and more to your employees online after Canada Post epost shuts down next year. So please get in touch – we are looking forward to hearing from you!

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